Games You Own: Black Ops.____ MWR____ MW3__X__
Your current game of choice:MW3
In-game name :FiNaLThReAt
How did you hear of us :U&V XRAY/ U&V VOID
Your Ally Code:5352 8497 7619
Age:39 will be 40 in Oct.
Current KDR :1.082
Gun of choice:MP7,ACR
Perks of choice:blind eye, assassin, dead silence
Core or Hardcore:Hardcore
Favorite map:outpost
Noob tubin, Glitchin and Hackin will get you banned immediately, UNDERSTAND ??? :YES
RPG's are forbidden with the exception of Gamebattles and shooting down heli's, UNDERSTOOD ??? :YES
For Black Ops- Our RPG ban includes Grim Reapers. They are an RPG and are hence banned. If you get 1 in a care package you need to waste it/change it. UNDERSTOOD??? YES
Multi-clanning is forbidden. CLEAR ??? :YES
Previous clans (if any) and why you left ? :OG clan, I left because one of the main members is hacking
Usual times online in-game? 12 midnight during week,the weekends im off you can find me on all day,LOL
Have a mic?? YES
Your current game of choice:MW3
In-game name :FiNaLThReAt
How did you hear of us :U&V XRAY/ U&V VOID
Your Ally Code:5352 8497 7619
Age:39 will be 40 in Oct.
Current KDR :1.082
Gun of choice:MP7,ACR
Perks of choice:blind eye, assassin, dead silence
Core or Hardcore:Hardcore
Favorite map:outpost
Noob tubin, Glitchin and Hackin will get you banned immediately, UNDERSTAND ??? :YES
RPG's are forbidden with the exception of Gamebattles and shooting down heli's, UNDERSTOOD ??? :YES
For Black Ops- Our RPG ban includes Grim Reapers. They are an RPG and are hence banned. If you get 1 in a care package you need to waste it/change it. UNDERSTOOD??? YES
Multi-clanning is forbidden. CLEAR ??? :YES
Previous clans (if any) and why you left ? :OG clan, I left because one of the main members is hacking
Usual times online in-game? 12 midnight during week,the weekends im off you can find me on all day,LOL
Have a mic?? YES