Noob tubin, Glitchin and Hackin will get you banned immediately, UNDERSTAND ??? : yes
RPG's are forbidden with the exception of Gamebattles and shooting down heli's, UNDERSTOOD ??? : yes
For Black Ops- Our RPG ban includes Grim Reapers. They are an RPG and are hence banned. If you get 1 in a care package you need to waste it/change it. UNDERSTOOD??? Yes
Multi-clanning is forbidden. CLEAR ??? : yes
Email address:
Previous clans (if any) and why you left ? : nike/code tired of hackers and lieing deciving and disrespect for me the leader
Usual times online in-game? __:__changes dayly
RPG's are forbidden with the exception of Gamebattles and shooting down heli's, UNDERSTOOD ??? : yes
For Black Ops- Our RPG ban includes Grim Reapers. They are an RPG and are hence banned. If you get 1 in a care package you need to waste it/change it. UNDERSTOOD??? Yes
Multi-clanning is forbidden. CLEAR ??? : yes
Email address:
Previous clans (if any) and why you left ? : nike/code tired of hackers and lieing deciving and disrespect for me the leader
Usual times online in-game? __:__changes dayly